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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of February 14th, 2013


(May 21-June 20)
Happy Valentine Daze, Gemini! After careful meditation about what messages might purify and supercharge your love life, I decided to offer suggestions about what not to do. To that end, I'll quote some lines from Kim Addonizio's poem "Forms of Love." Please don't speak any of them out loud, or even get yourself into a position where it makes sense to say them. 1. "I love how emotionally unavailable you are." 2. "I love you and feel a powerful spiritual connection to you, even though we've never met." 3. "I love your pain, it's so competitive." 4. "I love you as long as you love me back." 5. "I love you when you're not getting drunk and stupid." 6. "I love you but I'm married." 7. "I love it when you tie me up with ropes using the knots you learned in Boy Scouts, and when you do the stoned Dennis Hopper rap from Apocalypse Now!"

If you missed any of the long-term, big-picture horoscopes I wrote for you at the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, I've bundled them all in one place. Go here to read them. You can also listen to my three-part long-range, in-depth EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for 2013, or an audio forecast for the coming week.


What further wisdom would energize your love life? here's some excellent advice, courtesy of psychologist James Hillman: "For a relationship to stay alive, love alone is not enough. Without imagination, love stales into sentiment, duty, boredom. Relationships fail not because we have stopped loving but because we first stopped imagining." How will you act on this excellent counsel? Maybe you could take you and your closest ally to a sanctuary you've never dreamed you'd go to in a thousand years. Or do an exercise in which you ask each other questions you've never broached before. Or devise an experiment in which the two of you get to face an unfamiliar challenge together.
The preceding oracle comes from my book, PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.