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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of November 23rd, 2017


(February 19-March 20)
A snail can slowly crawl over the edge of a razor blade without hurting itself. A few highly trained experts, specialists in the art of mind over matter, are able to walk barefoot over beds of hot coals without getting burned. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Pisces, you now have the metaphorical equivalent of powers like these. To ensure they'll operate at peak efficiency, you must believe in yourself more than you ever have before. Luckily, life is now conspiring to help you do just that.


YOU NEED MYSTERY. Factual information and reasonable thinking alone are not sufficient to guide you through life’s labyrinthine tests. You need and deserve regular deliveries of uncanny revelation.

One of your inalienable rights as a human being should therefore be to receive mysteriously useful omens on a regular basis. In this spirit, I offer you the free weekly horoscopes you read here.

If you ever want more, listen to one of my weekly EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES. Each one is a four-to-five-minute report on the current state of your destiny and where you're headed. It's not a repeat or extension of the written 'scope you read here for free, but rather an entirely fresh exploration of your astrological omens -- designed to help you tune in to and express your soul's code!