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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of January 17th, 2019


(March 21-April 19)
In 1917, leaders of the Christian sect Jehovah's Witnesses prophesied that all earthly governments would soon disappear and Christianity would perish. In 1924, they predicted that the ancient Hebrew prophet Moses would be resurrected and speak to people everywhere over the radio. In 1938, they advised their followers not to get married or have children, because the end of civilization was nigh. In 1974, they said there was only a "short time remaining before the wicked world's end." I bring these failed predictions to your attention, Aries, so as to get you in the mood for my prediction, which is: all prophecies that have been made about your life up until now are as wrong as the Jehovah Witnesses' visions. In 2019, your life will be bracingly free of old ideas about who you are and who you're supposed to be. You will have unprecedented opportunities to prove that your future is wide open.


You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth Explorations of Your Long-Range Future. Do you really know how much power you have to create the life you want to live in 2019? Probably not. But I'd like to help you know about that power, and tap into it.

To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." Choose from Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Each part is a standalone report, not dependent on the other two.

The cost is $6 per horoscope, but there are discounts if you buy multiple tokens. Each Long-Range, Big-Picture Audio Forecast is 7 to 9 minutes long. You can also listen to a short-term audio horoscope for the coming week!