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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of July 18th, 2019


(December 22-January 19)
"I want to do things so wild with you that I don't know how to say them." Author Anaïs Nin wrote that in a letter to her Capricorn lover Henry Miller. Is there anyone you could or should or want to say something like that? If your answer is yes, now is a good time to be so candid and bold. If the answer is no, now would be a good time to scout around for a person to whom you could or should or want to say such a thing. And if you'd like to throw in a bit more enticement, here's another seductive lyric from Anaïs: "Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy."


There's just one week left for you to listen to your LONG-TERM, BIG-PICTURE AUDIO PREVIEW for the REST of 2019 and beyond.

What are your visions and plans for your life in the coming months? For inspiration, sign up and/or log in here, then click on "Long-Term Forecast for Second Half of 2019."

If you'd just like a report for the short-term future, click on "This week (July 16, 2019)."

The cost is $6, with discounts for multiple purchases.