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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of October 5th, 2023


(October 23-November 21)
An Oklahoma woman named Mary Clamswer used a wheelchair from age 19 to 42 because multiple sclerosis made it hard to use her legs. Then a miracle happened. During a thunderstorm, she was hit by lightning. The blast not only didn’t kill her; it cured the multiple sclerosis. Over the subsequent months, she recovered her ability to walk. Now I'm not saying I hope you will be hit by a literal bolt of healing lightning, Scorpio, nor do I predict any such thing. But I suspect a comparable event or situation that may initially seem unsettling could ultimately bring you blessings.


I have just published my first new book in 14 years: ASTROLOGY IS REAL: Revelations from My Life as an Oracle

Back in 2009, I put out Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia. It's great to finally be able to offer you some new inspirational fun! As always, thank you for reading my stuff!